In this message, Pastor Liz Jones speaks about the importance of overcoming the accuser of the brethren—the enemy who constantly tries to discourage, condemn, and divide us. His voice whispers lies of unworthiness, reminding us of past failures and present struggles. However, as believers, we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony (Revelation 12:11). Pastor Liz also emphasized that God has called us to live a life worth loving, yet we love Him so much that we willingly lay it down in full surrender. As we trust in God’s goodness and stand firm in His truth, we walk in freedom, unity, and victory.

Full Transcript…

Okay its good to see everybody um yeah there’s nothing like this place um but it’s great to have somewhere to visit now like this and we

01:19:29 love our new home we do is becoming home and um the Lord’s very good um I bring you greetings from our pastors Pastor Paul and Mary demetriades and they love you very much um they still talk about their time here in this house and they love our Apostles very much and um just everyone our pastors and um they love the spirit of this house and um so they send you their love and their family sends you their love and um I uh we’re just very honored to represent you to be continually joined with you even as we’re over there and um

01:20:08 you guys bring a lot of strength to us thank you for your support thank you for your love thank you for your prayers thank you for those of you that have have sent gifts and offerings that’s allowed us to bless the church there and to um not be a burden to them to be able to bless them and bring strength to them so thank you um just thank you so much um Leever there they are strong in faith and though they’re small in number they are Mighty they are Mighty in the powery they are Mighty in the power of

01:20:41 God and so what we’re seeing is that um the um the blindness is being broken off of people that they’ve been walking around just blind to spiritual things and now the it’s like the blinders are the veil is being taken off their eyes eyes and they’re looking around for the first time and looking for something that’s true they’re looking for the truth and so it’s an opportune time we are just in awe of the timing of the Lord and how he’s allowed us to be there for what is coming in that nation and um

01:21:11 they are preparing for um a a a europe-wide evangelism event in um the last week of June the first week of July it’s called the million month there’s a group called Awakening Europe that’s based in Germany and and the Lord put on their heart to have a two- week evangelism um effort in those two weeks and to um reach a million Souls with the good news of the gospel and so yeah so they chose 25 cities across Europe and Thessaloniki is one of them um and um and it just so happens that um our church leaders were asked to

01:21:48 coordinate the um event with all the churches in the whole city and so they are working with other pastor pastors and leaders and the churches are coming together we will be leading the prayer effort for this event leading up to these weeks and they have you know they’re making sure the churches have discipleship in place they’re making sure that everyone’s equipped and ready they actually have a training there this weekend that we we are missing because we’re here but they are equipping the Church of God for this opportune time of

01:22:15 harvest and the Lord he is truly the lord of the Harvest he is the lord of the Harvest and we are believing for many souls to come into the kingdom of God so it’s a wonderful time to be there um our pastors are so wonderful and um they are risk-takers and they’ve they’ve allowed us to um push and pull on the people there in the way that you know you guys know how it goes with me and um he told me the other day you’re always creating new problems he was laughing and I said see now you’re getting to

01:22:47 know me he was laughing as he said it because it’s it’s good um most of the time and uh but we are um they’ve brought us in as part of the leadership team and there’s a lot of love between us and and Paul and Mary and a lot of trust from the Holy Spirit they’ve extended to us and so we’ve been uh we started Spirit classes there we’re teach yeah it’s amazing we have over 30 people every week that come consistently and they’re engaged we’ve translated the worksheets into Greek and they’re asking questions and we’re talking about what

01:23:19 it means to be the body of Christ what it means to be a minister we’re talking about five-fold Ministry we’re talking about women in Ministry team Ministry how to be a contributing live active member of the Church of God and they are so hungry for it and asking wonderful questions and we’re having great conversations and you can see people coming alive you see it you see God like breathing on people and they’re responding and they’re showing up and they’re um um their eyes are open to the possibilities for their own lives and um

01:23:51 the Lord is bringing a lot of transformation there so um um again we are just so honored to be there our um our pastor he is um him and there’s another man Pastor Demetrius leus in Athens and I would say um they are probably the two prominent spirit filled leaders in that nation and they partner together and they um just a couple of weeks ago um invited um all the spirit filled pastors that they’re in relationship for to begin the apostolic charismatic Fellowship so they can all be in relationship with each other

01:24:25 and they presented this idea of joining together to be in unity because that is what is going to take to bring breakthrough in that nation and all of the pastors that came they went through their their constitution of Faith this is what we stand for this is what we believe we believe in Freedom of the Holy Spirit one of the things that they made very strong declaration about We believe We believe that women are authorized to operate in Ministry in any capacity that a man can operate in which which is a miraculous thing in the

01:24:54 nation of Greece they are the only Fellowship Network in the nation of Greece that um endorses that belief and um they made a very strong point to um that these you know the the the pastor’s wives that they’re not just here as wives of the pastors they are here as leaders in the church and I’m telling you this is miraculous it is miraculous what is happening there and I can’t believe we feel like we’re in like the book of Acts you know we’re sitting there watching this happen and they asked um they asked me to lead communion

01:25:22 and I told them it’s going to get messy and they like it’s okay do it however you want I’m like okay so we LED communion and they were breaking bread together and having communion fellowship with one another um from that we’ve received invitations to come to other churches and preach and bring the fire of God because they’re hungry for the holy spirit so I am telling you all of this not because we think we are great because but because God is so great and when he proclaims something he performs

01:25:51 it this is all the work of the hand of God there is nothing in Jo and I that could ever have brought any of this about and we are painfully aware of that we painfully aware of our inadequacies and our weaknesses but also of the mighty power of the Living God and the power of the holy spirit that breaks through all oppression and all bondage and it doesn’t matter how many decades and centuries something has been entrenched when the Holy Spirit comes he is able toing break through and uproot and dismantle decades old systems that

01:26:29 have been in place in families for generations and he comes and he truly does bring people out of death into life and we are watching it happen so thank you because you are part of this you have swn into this you’re praying into this and so this is um part of the Harvest of Word of Life is what is happening in the nation of Greece so we thank you we thank you so much much for everything we hope to be doing a voice of God there this year they are hungry for prophetic they are hungry for the freedom of the Holy Spirit and they are

01:27:03 ready to hear the Lord for themselves they’re ready um personally the Lord has been um very good to us we’re um he’s bringing us friends he’s bringing us family there um he’s bringing us Community he’s providing for everything that we need we’re able to buy a car like he’s just made a way for us to to be um to live there um and to be settled there um I’m going to tell you he we finally found a place to live I’m going to tell you a little bit about that in in a little while here but God is um he’s very

01:27:37 faithful I also want to tell you because sometimes you know we um people call it the missionary version of reporting you come and tell like everything’s wonderful and God is amazing and he is but that doesn’t mean that there’s not struggle and I want you guys to understand there’s struggle yeah and uh there’s struggle against our souls there struggle against our minds there every uh insecurity comes to the surface every um doubt that can be thrown against you will be consistently and it’s uh it’s a fight of Faith it’s a

01:28:15 fight of us just rehearsing God sent us we know we’re here for because God sent us here he has a plan his hand is upon us cuz all the thoughts come what do you think you’re doing why are you here you’re too strange they’re not going to receive you they’re going to find out who you really are and they’re going to regret they ever invited you all the things that swirl around you’re not making sense you know they’re not receiving they’re not understanding what you’re saying all the things that swirl

01:28:38 around they’re looking at your bare feet you know like all the things that that come against your mind and uh each you know Joe is real with you just he does he drives by the airport and uh he doesn’t share that with me until later and I don’t share with him until later we come through our struggle cuz we’re oh gosh um we’re guarding each other’s Souls but each one of us have had the the to deal with that you know it would be a lot easier just to go back we go it’s so much easier to live in a country where you know the

01:29:11 language where you’re not pushing against so many um so much so many heavy things and they’re not pushing back against you there is a real weight spiritually there in the atmosphere and it’s difficult to live under sometimes but every time every time we needed it God would send someone to encourage us whether it was a text a conversation a prayer people there just saying thank you so much for coming we needed you we needed you to come thank you for being here thank you for standing and preaching as

01:29:49 a woman we don’t see that here we need to see women taking their place we don’t know what that looks like like so having people just see every time God was faithful to send somebody to encourage our hearts just when we needed it so I’m just letting you know we we need your prayers it’s not just happy go-lucky because there’s a lot that needs to be uprooted and the holy spirit’s doing it but he does it through people and um so thank you for praying thank you for consistently covering us we love our

01:30:19 church there we love our pastors we love the people and they have embraced us wholehearted ly there’s no there’s nothing from them like what are you doing why are you here it’s thank you thank you for coming whatever you we need what you have we need what you brought with you thank you for coming so I just wanted you guys to know how it’s going over there please be praying pray for the nation of Greece there’s a lot of Heartache that they carry they just celebrated the one year anniversary you have a terrible train um

01:30:51 Collision that took the lives of over 60 people most of them um University students and um there’s a lot of um heartache around it because it’s a lot of corruption in the government is being exposed through this thing and there’s no accountability no one has taken responsibility for this tragedy and the nation is still grieving over it and there’s been protests in the streets they carry a lot of Heartache there they carry the heartache of their long history they carry it with them there’s a weight on them there um so I just want

01:31:23 you to understand there’s a lot of freedom that needs to come they live under a lot of fear a lot of Oppression fear of um all kinds of things a lot of superstitions if I don’t do this I’m G to get sick and die if I don’t do this my family is going to get sick and die if I don’t do this we won’t be blessed if I don’t do this we’re going to be punished they live under that consistently and so there’s a lot of opportunity for the spirit to come and bring freedom but it takes a fight and so I’m thankful for you guys standing

01:31:50 with us in the fight over there I wanted to kind of tie together I see parallels between what God is doing there and what he’s doing here it’s a season of transformation and it is personal transformation that brings corporate transformation that’s what I see I see that the Lord is breathing on The Souls of individuals and calling them to life calling them back to life some people it’s the first time some people we’ve kind of settled in and he’s calling us back out into being pliable again Pastor

01:32:32 Paul has been preaching about the Potter and the clay and this is a real time of being shaped and fashioned by the hand of the Lord if we will allow him to it’s a very vulnerable time because maybe we’ve kind of settled into I’m good I’m good with the way I live I’m good with the way I walk with god I’ve got it down and he’s like yeah let me work on you some more there’s more there’s more for you there’s life for you that’s beyond what you’ve experienced so we’re seeing a season of transformation leaving the old behind

01:33:09 and stepping into something new and not because the old is terrible it’s good but because there’s more to come and until we have come to the uh measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ we must still be trans formed day to day and allow the Lord’s hands to shape us are you guys with me today okay you remember how this goes right okay so we’ve been um Lord’s been doing Deliverance work in our house there but not just to deliver out to deliver in see God never delivers you out of something unless he has planned to

01:33:50 deliver you into something it’s not just about becoming free from your bondage is about delivering you into promise and this is what the Lord is doing in this time he’s waking us up and saying okay we’ve been in this mode for long enough now it’s time for me to begin shaping and changing and cutting things off and molding you and breaking you down a bit and building you up again and I’m calling you out of where you are now because I have something better for you to go into so anytime the Lord is

01:34:19 bringing freedom and he’s bringing opportunity for repentance today he’s been inviting and inviting and inviting and I wonder if we are so used to the invitation that we stop hearing it today I heard what three calls from the heart of God I’m telling you saying today is a day of breakthrough today is a day of Freedom today I want to bring you into Joy today I want to bring you into fullness and I think sometimes times when we are in a prophetic house we’re like oh again he’s just talking again instead of today’s my

01:35:09 day did you hear what God just promised me he promised me that he’s going to break through for me today he promised me fullness of joy he promised that if I would come he would do something miraculous in my life that I couldn’t do for myself I pray that we never get dull of hearing how privileged we are that God would speak to us and how privileged we are that he would invite us in to his freedom and to his Liberty and I hope today that the spirit of God is challenging you and provoking you that

01:35:52 there is more than what you know he is better than we know he is better than we’ve experienced he is more good than we understand and we can settle for what is nice and what is familiar like Joe was talking about what’s familiar what we know how to operate in or we can step out into something that’s unknown and become a a novice again I hope we never become professional Christians that’s my prayer I don’t want to get so good at doing something I can do it without you I may look like a fool cuz I don’t

01:36:41 know what I’m doing that’s what I feel like all the time now I don’t know what I’m doing I don’t know what language I’m speaking I don’t know what is happening I’m just trying to follow the Holy Spirit but I would whether stumble and trip trying to follow follow the Holy Spirit than feel strong and confident standing in one [Applause] place the Lord is better than we know I told you I wanted I wanted to tell you the story of our of our home since we got out there in November we’ve been trying to find a place to live

01:37:26 we’ve had a place and I am so thankful for the place he provided for us during this transition period is exactly what we needed but we’re ready for a home of our own we wanted to be closer to the church we wanted a space where we can host people and have young people come and and do leadership training and all the things that we desire to do and they’re waiting for us to do and so we’ve been asking the Lord Lord we need a home of people praying and we we started in November and we were looking and looking and looking and we’ve went

01:37:53 to this place and that place and it was like it was like we could it was just was no no no no no every place we went it was and we were like our bar kept getting lower and lower and lower you know we started with this list this is what we want and then like I we can live without that and then then you know we look a few more places few more weeks and then well we don’t really need that lower the bar and keep going and then it’s like no no no like the doors I’m telling you were like slammed shut it

01:38:21 was not like maybe this will work it was like no this is not for you you are not renting hair this person doesn’t want to rent you this person hates you this person doesn’t like you it was like they think you’re the scum of the earth it was like it I’m telling you it was so difficult we met so many difficult people who treated us like we were their enemies it was amazing and uh it was like no no no no no no and I’m like Lord you called us here like we didn’t call ourselves here we just want a place to live like what’s

01:38:51 going on and then you know the doubts come and the questions come and like no we know God is good we know people kept saying oh you know he has the best for you and you’re like yeah okay you know okay I guess so if that’s what you think we just want a place to live you know and like I like I said our standard kept getting lower and lower we’re going to these apartments you know the living rooms like this big and we’re like we could probably make this work we could squeeze everybody in you know we don’t

01:39:19 really need a dishwasher we don’t really need a second bathroom we don’t really need this we don’t need a balcony we like we can we can do this we can make it work and by like the third month I’m telling you we went so many places and and and I was struggling we both were struggling and then I was like God is up to something I know he is I know he’s up to something I know who he is and we a like okay we’ll just keep looking all right Lord we’re just going to keep knocking on the doors and this place comes up

01:39:54 go see it this is not anything like the pictures were horrible I’m like well we’ll just go see it and we get there and it was like a breath of fresh air and the guy the realtor we were working with was so wonderful he was so pleasant we met the owners they were so kind they’re like we we like we really love you guys we really are happy to rent this place to you we’re really happy that you would come live here like we want to do everything legally everyone wants to do everything illegally they’re cuz they don’t want to

01:40:24 pay taxes they don’t want you to have a contract they don’t want you to anyone to know they’re living that you’re living in their apartment they’re like we want everything illegal these guys we want everything legally we have the contract in English so you can understand it we’re going to go through it we want all the payments legally she’s a police woman she’s like our house is safe I have a [Laughter] gun and I’m telling you this place is above and beyond like I had my wish list that I started with it’s more than that

01:40:49 it’s things that I didn’t even think we get could get there and it’s hundreds cheaper than the other places that we were looking [Applause] at and so Joe and I are just like is this real it felt like we were in a mirage you know like what it was like oh and then there’s this and there’s this and there’s this and then there so much space to bring people there you can have people over all the time we love to have people over no problem at all we have plenty of paring plenty of room it’s 10 minutes from the church it’s like it’s

01:41:27 it’s more than we could ever have asked for and I was talking to the Lord and we signed the contract the next day I’m just talking to Lord I’m like Lord you are so good just thanking him worshiping him praising him and he says he says Liz he said this is my heart toward you all the time this is how I want my people to live in abundance not in lack not just settling is this is my heart toward you all the time so I had a little reent repentance session with him and I keep telling him you are better than I

01:42:19 know because even the things that I know I know he’s good but there things that I don’t know that he’s doing that are good that I haven’t experienced yet I’m saying this to you today the Lord is better than we know he is better than we understand he is doing things right now for you that you don’t know about yet and when you discover them you’ll understand more of his goodness towards you he is not waiting to punish us he is not waiting for us just to uh he doesn’t want us just to live in a way way where

01:42:54 we are just barely scrapping by and just trying to bring our souls to that place he he is a generous loving and faithful father and I pray that he my would um that my expectation of him would be greater than it is because he always exceeds it I hope this is encouraging you today living an overcoming life is not about living a life of emptiness it’s about a life of fullness I want you to hear this many times we think that Ministry Life Christian life is about what needs to be stripped away from me what do I need to

01:43:45 be emptied of what do I need to pour out what do I need to get rid of in my life and I am telling you that it’s more about God filling you to overflowing than it is about you being empty did you hear this the life of Living a a Christlike life is about a life of overflowing abundance it is about the fruit of the spirit in abundance in our life that overflows to people around us it’s about the love of God that I’m not just getting just enough of for me it’s about that I am so full and saturated with the love of God

01:44:22 that it overflows to people around me that’s actually what it means to be a Christian and to live the Christian Life that is what it means to be an overcomer not that I’m gripping on just trying to make it is that I have found the Living Waters like was I’m telling you this whole service today God was like yes this is my heart for you yes an abundance of Living Water not just a stream but rivers of Living Water to flow out of you there is more than enough I just I know that the spirit of God wants to break off of our minds the

01:44:56 mindset of just enough if I could just have enough just enough Lord I just need a little bit of love I just need a little bit of attention I just need a little bit of provision I just need a little bit Lord I know how expected here but my bars come down to here would you just do this oh that’s not enough okay let me bring it down to here and God’s like I said rivers of Living Water come on Church okay rivers of Living Water I pray that the spirit of God he said he was bringing breakthrough today and I believe him when he speaks

01:45:29 and I pray that God would break off of our minds the the limitations that we put on him the limitations that we try to live with of just barely getting by and just barely having enough and just trying to survive that is not an overcoming life an overcoming life is one that is full of abundance [Applause] Revelation 12:11 Pastor shell covered this last week and they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb by the word of their testimony and they did not love their lives to the death this word life is this Greek word

01:46:11 psii it means uh their soul their feelings their emotions they did not love their own Soul’s emotions preferences opinions above other things this word agapow it’s a it’s a preferential love like when I agapow you I prefer you over myself I set you as more important than me and what this word is saying is is that they did not set them own their own selves as the most important thing in their world do we understand this it’s not we see we read this like oh they did not love their lives unto death like oh I need to

01:46:50 stop loving my life I need to like change my mindset and like I need to like go into this um this this mentality of like I can’t love this and I can’t love that and I need to like deny myself and I need to like bring myself to this place where I don’t love my life I don’t love my life and it becomes this like negative thing of like I have to give my life I have to lay it down I have to do this I have to do that I can’t love my life but I’m telling you that these people that we read about it’s not about

01:47:18 um not loving your life it’s about loving something else more it is not about um it wasn’t that they somehow got rid of their love for their own life they replaced it with their love for something else do you hear what I’m saying it’s not about living an empty life it’s about living a life that is full of the better thing that is what this is speaking to is this making sense to you guys it’s about fullness not about emptiness every martyr who whoever went to their death for the gospel it’s not because they hated their

01:47:58 life it’s because they loved something else more than their life they found something that was worth more than anything else they found in this world they found a love that was worth living for Beyond just the day in day out go to work go watch TV raise your kids and someday retire they found a love of their life that was worth giving everything for that’s how we should read this verse like oh I’m gonna have to give up my life and die yeah you know what you’re going to find something that is worth

01:48:37 everything that’s what this verse is saying that is how you overcome because you find something that is worth saying no to everything else to say yes to the one thing that is living an overcoming life this should be good news for us this should be like the Lord said this should bring joy into our lives today because it’s not about living a depraved um life full of drudgery and sacrifice and all of that and just to be emptied out and miserable so we can maybe overcome it’s about living a life that

01:49:19 is Washed by the blood of Jesus that has the testimon of this is what God did for me I was dead and he brought me out of death and he put me into his kingdom and I didn’t deserve any of it and not only that then he healed me he saved my children he raised up someone who was sick he provided for me everything I ever needed he gave me and I because of that I don’t care about anything else in this world it you can take everything else from me I have found the most important wonderful thing to live for that you

01:49:56 could ever find in all of eternity that’s what this verse is saying come [Applause] on this is such good news this is such good news living as an overcomer is joyful did you hear that it’s joyful it is um exciting it’s full of Adventure it’s full of challenge but it’s also full of seeing God show up and do what only he can do this is the life that we are called to if we will step out of the ordinary and step in to a place of complete dependency on the Holy Spirit it is the best life you will ever

01:51:01 live it is the best life you will ever live there is a reason why people go to the burning stake and still don’t refuse Christ because they found something they found eternity and it didn’t matter what happened in that moment they knew what they were actually living for and that is the most free place you will ever live nothing can hold on to you in that place when you find your eternal love and your Eternal purpose and the Eternal communion with the god of the universe who only wants to give himself to you

01:51:44 when you find that place you are free from everything else everything else this is good news I don’t know how to say it anymore than what I’ve already said but I pray that the holy spirit will light something inside of you where you understand you were made for more than just getting up going to work going home eating dinner and going to sleep we are made to live in the abundance of the kingdom of God even in difficulty even in hardship even in times when we don’t understand there is a God who is close

01:52:27 to us who speaks to us who heals us who delivers us who brings us into life who rehearses his promise over us and we get to live with him now in preparation for our eternity with him we long for him now but we will see him face to face and we will know him the way he knows us and everyone who has this hope in himself what purifies himself because he found the one thing one more point I want to make when it says that they overcame him who did they overcome oh we’re not sure who did they who did they

01:53:38 overcome the accuser the accuser it’s interesting he’s defined that way here we need to expose the accuser he has already been cast down but we cannot come into agreement with him I felt this very strongly from the spirit of the Lord today we’re talking about the overcoming church but we must overcome we are overcoming the accuser of the Brethren and I’m saying the voice that comes to you first and says you can’t do it you don’t have what it takes there’s something wrong with you you’re broken that thing that you

01:54:33 did that time God still hasn’t forgiven you for it you can’t get past that that thing that you’re doing now it completely disqualifies you you know the voice that comes he’s the accuser of the Brethren and he comes to you first about your own life who what who do you think you are to go to Greece don’t you know you’re crazy person they’re going to find out that you actually don’t have what it takes to do this and then he comes and what about that person theyve messed up so many times you shouldn’t have anything to do

01:55:13 with them that person there they’ve they’re a total disaster that person there they wronged you the ACC user comes I just I want you to know that the spirit of the Lord wants to expose the accuser of the Brethren because that is who we are overcoming we’re not just overcoming the world overcoming some vague thing we’re actually overcoming the accuser of the Brethren and how do we do it by the blood of the Lamb of God who washed us who cleansed us who paid the price chist for everything when he comes to me Liz

01:55:55 what do you think you’re doing don’t you I know those things that you did I know the way that you thought I know the things that you have in your soul yes but the blood of Christ is Enough For Me Oh I know that person you know in C you accuse you your husband your wife your friend your boss your pastor the blood of Jesus is enough the blood of Jesus and then you begin to rehearse the testimony of what God has done what he has done in your life how he’s delivered us out of out of death and darkness into

01:56:28 his Kingdom of Light how he used that person to minister to you at some no I remember I know who they are I know my pastors they’re people of Faith they may not do everything right but I’ve seen God use them in power and demonstration he’s giving us Keys here to overcome we must overcome the accuser of the the Brethren he cannot have a place in the overcoming church he has no voice in the overcoming church and we must be those who recognize his voice and shut it down and do not come into agreement with it and guess what yeah

01:57:08 I’m Washed by the blood God has delivered my life he’s been faithful and he will be faithful and because of that I can fa face death itself without fear because I know that I am my beloved and he is mine I found the love that surpasses eternity I’ve found a life that is worth giving everything for that’s worth taking every step of risk every step of oh my gosh what am I doing I’m trying to get you an encouraging word [Laughter] [Applause] today I know sometimes it comes out strong but it’s doing a work in me

01:58:07 too I want to look at him and expect from him goodness all the time abundance all the time not expect well maybe he’ll just give me enough and I’ll be sad satisfied with enough like you said this is my heart toward you all the time may we have faith to receive his word [Applause] amen yeah how many are glad that the Lord put it on her heart to surprise her [Applause] mom the Lord’s given us a lot to think about today a lot to respond to and uh you know I just want to encourage the church to hold on to

01:59:16 this this is where the power of God shows up when truth breaks through and so church I’m grateful I’m grateful to do this with you so let’s pray if that accusation of Satan is in your heart in your mind lift your hands with me Lord today we acknowledge truth we hear your voice we see your life and your love and that you are after us father you are the good father and we trust this so Lord we ask for greater unity in this house today we ask for greater breakthrough in our personal lives Lord we ask for joy that is

02:00:10 unspeakable God because we are putting our trust in you your word is true and we thank you for this in the name of Jesus and all God’s people say amen amen hey um I’m going to ask The Sound Room to play the the live group video just to close service up here uh if you have kids you got to get out of here or you know you don’t want to watch this you can uh take off but we have Fellowship after this all of that but thank you everyone I love you I’m Carina sheer I’m Connie kellerer TNT is an acronym for Dynamite and we

02:00:55 want to invite you into the power of intercessory prayer we’ve seen great success last year and we want to continue that there’s a time of Fellowship afterwards um so please join us where we get to know one another and express our hearts and seek the heart of God 7:00 on Friday evenings hi I’m Cynthia hman and I host women’s Walkin worship we meet Tuesdays at Zoe’s cof coffee house at 10:00 for a joyful time of walking reading the word fellowship and prayer we would love to have you join us hope

02:01:30 to see you there hi I’m Gloria and I’m Mike and we alongside Athena and Levi low want to invite you to digging Wells it’s a group for young adults who want to Fellowship eat food get in the word and have fun so we will be letting you know when we have times just sign up hi I’m Don solvent and I have a new life group called explore and what is explore explore is seeing God’s work God’s heart and God’s world Through The Eyes of global missions every Monday 6 to 7:30 and we’ll see you there at my house I’m

02:02:12 David I’m Val and we’re going to lead a study of The Sermon on the Mount starting with chapter 5 Wednesday nights at 700 hope to see you there hi my name is Ray kellerer and this is my lovely wife Connie we’re going to start a new induction class on the Book of Ruth Abraham promised God would be a father of all Nations Jew and Gentile alike one new man so Ruth’s story is about a moabit woman marrying a Jewish man and David King David became a descendant of this Union and Jesus Christ Our Savior

02:02:53 was a descendant of that come join us um it’s on Thursday night at 7:00 we’d love to have you there’s a time of Fellowship while we study the word too I’m Debbie the ministry that I run is prayer Shaws and we are there to make prayer Shaws for patients that are in the hospital suffering with infirmity our mission is to comfort those and let them know that they are not alone in their suffering so if you are a Knitter or a crocheter or if you’ve always just wanted to learn come join us on the first and third

02:03:30 Saturday of the month hi I’m Tanya Simpson and I’ll be hosting the kingdom writers life group has God been calling you to write and to share your writing with others if so come join us the last Saturday of every month from 9:30 to 11:30 at the life house where writers of all genres will be able to share with one another grow together in the craft of writing and pray that our words touch the hearts of those who hunger to encounter God in them do you hear God calling you in this invitation what are

02:03:56 you waiting for see you at the life house hi my name is Angelina taller curtain and I’m really excited to be hosting a life group at my home the life group is for the ladies we will be having coffee and tea at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday mornings the topic is based on a book by Joan Weaver and it’s called having a merry heart in a Martha world I’m really excited to host this don’t let anything stop you if you’ve got the kids bring them with you I’ve got plenty of room for them to play and toys um the

02:04:30 heart in this study is to sit at the feet of Jesus despite all of the busyness in our worlds around us um I really look forward to seeing you there I’m back another life group is called Discovery Life Bible study we meet every other Saturday at the tamaron mobile home park where we explore the depths of the Holy SP spirit and how the spirit speaks through stories and scriptures in the scripture can’t wait to see you there well hello everybody I’m Seline McDonald this is Michelle Baloo and we are going to be doing a women’s class

02:05:04 called shattered no more written by our friend uh Rachel beloo if you’re having any struggles this is a class you want to come to yeah we’re going to meet on Monday nights and we’re going to talk about things like anger resentment disappointments um things that are hurdles in our way way that can stumble us and cause us to not get everywhere we need to be with the Lord and talk about how to overcome those things and move forward with the Lord so it’ll be at Zoe coffee house on Monday nights at 7:00

02:05:35 p.m. and we’re looking forward to see you there hi I’m Ashley ball and I’m Athena L and we are hosting a life group together with Chapel on the pines and Word of Life Fellowship called 13 habits to building trust we want to be able to walk out our daily walk and our relationships with each other not only in church but also in in the world and be able to understand what it is to trust to be trustworthy and to be able to grow in that trust within ourselves in all relationships yes so come join us

02:06:02 at Zoe coffee house every Tuesday night at 6:30 p.m. this is Mike and Mike andette and our group is called revive Enlighten activate and we’re here to gather and encourage one another sharpen one another fortify one another Empower one another to move forward with all that God has for us we’re going to meet at Mike and lynnette’s house at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday evenings come and join us oh man when was the last time you did this bowling Tuesday night 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. are you going to be there we’re

02:06:43 going to have some fun you know bring a friend talk about all the things we love while trying to hit a bunch of pins it’s worth it see you there [Applause]

Pastor Liz Jones powerfully reminded us that as believers, we are called to be an overcoming church—one that refuses to be weighed down by the accusations of the enemy. The accuser of the brethren comes with a familiar voice, whispering doubts, insecurities, and condemnation:

  • “You can’t do it.”
  • “You don’t have what it takes.”
  • “You’re broken.”
  • “God hasn’t really forgiven you.”

This voice seeks to paralyze us, making us believe that our past, our present struggles, or our perceived inadequacies disqualify us from walking in the fullness of God’s calling. But as Pastor Liz declared, we are not meant to live under the weight of these lies. Instead, we overcome by standing firm in the truth of what Jesus has done for us.

How Do We Overcome? By the Blood of the Lamb

Revelation 12:11 tells us, “They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.” This is the key.

When the enemy comes with accusations, we must boldly declare:
“Yes, I have fallen short. But the blood of Jesus is enough for me. I am washed, I am cleansed, and I am made new in Christ.”

Not only do we remind ourselves of this truth, but we also extend it to others. The enemy seeks to divide us by accusing our brothers and sisters in Christ. He tempts us to look at others through a lens of judgment:

  • “That person has messed up too many times.”
  • “They don’t deserve another chance.”
  • “They wronged you; don’t ever trust them again.”

But as the overcoming church, we must reject this narrative. Instead, we testify to God’s faithfulness in our lives and in the lives of others. We choose unity over division, grace over judgment, and love over bitterness.

A Life Worth Loving—Yet Willing to Lay It Down

Pastor Liz spoke with great passion about the kind of life God calls us to—a life that is truly worth loving. This is not a life of mere survival or settling for “just enough.” It is a life of abundance, joy, and purpose. Yet, paradoxically, this is also a life we must be willing to surrender completely to God.

She expressed this powerful truth:

“I have found a love that surpasses eternity. I have found a life worth giving everything for—a life worth taking every step of risk, every moment of uncertainty, because I know that I belong to Him.”

This is the tension we live in as believers: We cherish the life God has given us, yet our love for Him is so great that we willingly lay it down. Just as Jesus gave His life for us, we, too, are called to surrender everything—our plans, our desires, our very lives—because we trust that He is good.

Expecting God’s Goodness

Pastor Liz challenged us to live with an expectation of God’s goodness, not just a mindset of scarcity or survival.

  • Do we believe that God’s heart is always for us?
  • Do we trust that He desires more for us than we even desire for ourselves?
  • Do we receive His abundance with faith, or do we settle for “just enough”?

She encouraged us to fully embrace God’s goodness, to expect His faithfulness, and to walk in the confidence that He is with us every step of the way.

A Call to Stand Firm in Truth

As the message concluded, Pastor Liz called the church to a moment of response. If the accusations of the enemy had been weighing on hearts, it was time to break agreement with those lies.

Lifting our hands in surrender, we prayed:
“Lord, we acknowledge the truth. We hear Your voice above the accuser’s. We trust in Your love, and we stand firm in the power of the blood of Jesus. Unite us as Your people, break every stronghold of accusation, and fill us with the joy that comes from trusting in You.”

The overcoming church is not one that never faces accusation—it is the church that knows how to overcome it. And we overcome because of Jesus.

Study Guide:


In this message, Pastor Liz Jones speaks about the importance of overcoming the accuser of the brethren—the enemy who constantly tries to discourage, condemn, and divide us. His voice whispers lies of unworthiness, reminding us of past failures and present struggles. However, as believers, we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony (Revelation 12:11). Pastor Liz also emphasized that God has called us to live a life worth loving, yet we love Him so much that we willingly lay it down in full surrender. As we trust in God’s goodness and stand firm in His truth, we walk in freedom, unity, and victory.

Ice-Breaker Questions

  1. Have you ever believed a lie about yourself that turned out to be completely false? How did you overcome it?
  2. If you could describe your life right now in one word, what would it be and why?
  3. What’s something you love so much that you would be willing to sacrifice for it?

Discussion Questions

  1. Pastor Liz spoke about the voice of the accuser. What are some lies the enemy has tried to tell you, and how have they affected your faith?
  2. Read Revelation 12:11. What does it mean to overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony?
  3. How does remembering what God has done in your life help you resist the voice of the accuser?
  4. In what ways does the enemy try to divide the church through accusations against others? How can we combat this?
  5. Pastor Liz said that God calls us to a life worth loving, yet we must also be willing to lay it down. How do we balance loving life and surrendering it to God?
  6. What are some practical ways we can expect and trust in God’s goodness daily?
  7. What steps can we take as a group to encourage each other to live as an overcoming church?

Closing Prayer

“Heavenly Father, we thank You that through the blood of Jesus, we are victorious over every lie, accusation, and attack of the enemy. We choose to stand in Your truth, remembering that we are fully forgiven, fully loved, and fully equipped to walk in Your purpose. Help us to recognize and reject the voice of the accuser, and instead, declare the power of our testimony. Lord, we surrender our lives to You completely, trusting in Your goodness and expecting great things. Strengthen our unity as a church, fill us with joy, and guide us in living as overcomers. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.”