Join us for our
Church Announcements
Our Life Groups provide opportunities to connect and fellowship in a small group setting. Find one that fits your schedule and sign up today.
- Pray with us every Tuesday Morning at 6:30 am.
located in the Chapel
- Women’s Walk & Worship meets on Tuesday Mornings at 10:00 am at Zoe Coffee House!
located at Zoe Coffee House
- Newcomer’s Engage Class happening every Wednesday night at 7 pm, open to all! Join us and get to know your Pastors.
located in the Fellowship Hall
Upcoming events
Did you know that you are designed to hear from God, and to be His voice? He desires to communicate with you, and also through you. The Voice of God prophetic trainings are designed to bring you into the fullness of this relationship with Him, and to equip you to be able to partner with Him in prophetic realms.
April 10th – 12th, 2025

Level 1
Much more than an introduction to prophecy, this training lays a solid Biblical foundation of prophetic understanding, and will provide practical truths of operation that are essential to anyone who moves in the prophetic realm. You will be activated to confidently hear the voice of God and to receive and give prophetic words through hands-on training and interactive sessions.

Level 2
God desires mature men and women who will operate in the prophetic realm with dignity, honor and keen discernment. This training dives deeper into the areas of character, discernment, authority, and the role of the prophet in today’s church and in culture at large. This training will both engage you and challenge you to explore new levels of your prophetic expression. *Must have attended Level 1

Level 3
This class will involve in-depth discussion of biblical mantled prophets and will address the seriousness of the calling, the responsibilities and requirements of the mantle, and the mandate to be true prophets in the midst of current culture. We will also discuss how the mantled prophet engages with the other five-fold ministry to equip the Church of God. *Must have attended Levels 1 and 2. Capacity is limited.
24630 Hwy. 108
P.O. Box 97
Mi Wuk Village, CA 95346
Contact us
(209) 586-7005
Office Hours:
Monday – Thursday
9:00am – 1:00pm