The message delivered by Pastor Bob Wilk was a powerful reminder of our responsibility as stewards of God’s gifts. It challenges us to reflect on how we use what God has entrusted to us, while also reminding us of His grace, love, and the hope we have in Christ.

Full Transcript…

yeah if you don’t have him leading you you really don’t have much so I noticed Pastor shelle’s not here today she’s upstairs she’s sick somebody just made that up that’s how stuff happens like she yeah see this is um I’m pretty sure

01:42:18 when someone gives you the assignment to preach that I have to preach today they don’t want to be there when you’re preaching you know what I’m saying if I gave somebody this assignment I’d cut out too you know I don’t know if we have like a something to put up there but praise God today we’re going to talk about judgment and reward amen hallelujah I thought I’d bathe you in the Holy Spirit a little prior that way you felt good as you’re going to the end [Laughter] oh jeez we have some great notes on this

01:42:57 by the way we have eternal judgment notes um if you have never read them you probably should read them if you’ve never read your Bible you should probably read that first just saying um I’ve got a lot to cover today but all I wanted to say is when it comes to judgment and reward that God is an equal opportunity employer we were all going to hell right let’s be you look I don’t we can’t be a church that’s afraid to talk about it uh because the thing is that’s the deal that’s the choice you have when you don’t come to

01:43:41 Jesus now I know there’s some Scholars out there that want to debate with me is it hell is it Shiloh Sho is it this is it that it’s like is it really the you know it’s the wait it’s the it’s the uh Lake of Fire uh whatever it is it ain’t so cool you know what I’m saying it’s like not a place like you wouldn’t be there going like hell I’d like to end up in hell like who does that yeah so that being said we are all doomed for hell and then there’s Jesus wow that’s such good news and we all have the opportunity

01:44:24 to avoid the hell sentence did I tell you that Jesus loves you I want you to keep remembering that all day today Jesus loves me and if you don’t know him this is a great day to come to him it’s a great day to know that Jesus died for you he was buried for you and he rose again on the third day and and he did it just for you like a very he’s very personal God and so if you don’t hear anything else today I want you to hear that because that’s so important now that’s really important to somebody that know don’t

01:45:06 know Jesus CU you’re on the way to hell but it’s actually just as important for those of us who do know Jesus so we don’t make our bed in hell H okay okay let’s keep going I’ll stick by my notes that way we’ll get through this okay everybody gets to stand Before the Throne the Throne of judgment and there are no exceptions did you hear that I want you to hear that because sometimes I think in maybe modern Christianity there’s like outs not everybody somebody did really good things so why would they

01:45:55 go everybody and we’ll talk about this in the scriptures gets to stand Before the Throne of judgment by the way that means Believers also yes us first matter of fact so you might be like kind of in the line you know I don’t know how it’s going to be I hope nobody’s around me I don’t want to be that transparent but he’s like you’re you’re in the line and maybe like Billy Graham’s there next to you wait Billy Graham yes Billy Graham’s going to be in the line Before the Throne of judgment great man of God

01:46:36 yes right there right next to Todd Sanders me and Todd you you and you and Billy be walking up how you doing there Bill okay Todd how you doing man I’m pretty good we’re here today we got to face this thing and it’s a great thing you know why because Todd knows Jesus and so does Billy it’s such a great thing and if we don’t remember this in our walk we get kind of Sid stepped with things so Revelation 2212 says behold I am coming soon and bringing my recompense with with me to repay each one for what

01:47:27 he has done if you’re taking notes there are a couple of highly important words that I’m going to emphasize to you today and I’m going to expound on them later this is going to be a 14-hour message we’re going to be serving pizza about halfway through in the intermission possibly with some wine because you may need that if you’re on your way to hell okay okay might help the descend you know did I say that yes I did okay I’m coming soon and he says I will repay I want you to remember these words repay for what

01:48:09 you’ve done what Romans 14:12 says then so then each of us will give an account you know repay what you’ve done an account that is accounting word that means there’s some adding up that’s going on are you with me on this give an account of himself to God so when Todd’s there with Billy Billy isn’t going to turn to Todd and go Todd can you help me out here yes it’s going to be like Billy’s on his own giving an account to God therefore at therefore let us pass not pass judgment on one another any longer

01:48:58 think of the context of the scripture but rather decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother that’s why I’m pretty sure about my brother Todd I’m picking on him today I don’t know why he’s sat in the front I usually would pick on George so God just had like this Mercy thing George for you today I don’t know what it is but we’re still pretty early in the message okay and as soon as Todd gives me the gives me the go-ahead I’m coming off of him and jumping on your case okay but for now just like presence

01:49:35 of God you’re with your friends here today cool nice hi friends uh this is church here church here is usually a lot more normal than this just so you know it’s not always so screwy but today you get what you got okay this is the way it’s going to go okay what are you doing upfront young man shouldn’t you be like prophesying up here with these people come on anyway okay let’s get back to the message by the way I’m going to make this a little bit fun for you because it’s you know judgment you know

01:50:19 sheesh 2 Corinthians 5:10 says for we must Must ALL appear that means all if you look that up in the Greek all means all that includes George okay for we must George appear all appear before the Judgment seat of Christ so that each one may receive look there’s a receiving going on I want you to hear this has a lot to do with this message what is do what what do you do you mean do for what is he has done there’s another thing these are action words these what he has done in the body whether good or evil so

01:51:05 there are some good things see everybody talks about judgment it’s like I don’t know about you but I have some friends that went before a judge and they made out pretty good they went out there like dancing and singing they thought they were going to prison yeah they made okay they did okay so some of our judgment God’s judgment is actually great and when we talk about judgment everybody’s like oh judgment oh it’s not all bad you have to understand that or else you’re going to be locked into this God

01:51:43 who you think absolutely hates you have I told you Jesus loves you okay keep remembering that we’ll keep going Revelation 20 oh this is a lot of scripture you guys are going to be bored 11-1 15 it says then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated in it from his presence from from his presence Earth and Sky flew fled away and no place was found for them I guess when you come into the presence of God’s Throne things start to shake off just saying and I saw the dead Great and Small standing Before the

01:52:29 Throne it doesn’t matter who you are it doesn’t matter if you were a really good preacher on this wonderful day in March you still get to stand Before the Throne it doesn’t matter if you went and did Miracle signs and wonders which I’m so proud of our guys doing in Africa poor Pastor Apostle Pat Baboo is going to be there and they’re like bring Baboo up first bring him up Apostles get first yes it’s a cool thing it’s not bad and I saw dead Great and Small standing Before the Throne and the books were

01:53:11 opened then another book was opened which is The Book of Life what have I told you Jesus loves you so much that he’s not willing that any should perish but that all should come to him have I told you that there will be a people who will live forever now that’s wacky because all I hear especially during you know my wife’s a tax lady all I I don’t hear it from her because she’s a believer in life but all I hear from people is you got to pay taxes and die well there’s two two lies there you don’t actually have to pay taxes if you

01:53:55 don’t mind jail time and you don’t actually have to die if you’re chosen you’re one of those Chosen Few that have committed their life to God and walked in righteousness before him and just maybe just maybe you’re part of that company that walks into life Everlasting that’s such a freaky message did I tell you wait a minute let me go over to these poor people did I tell you our church is strange did I did you listen when I came to Jesus I was probably pretty close to your age that was three or four million

01:54:34 years ago do you know when I heard that message we call it the message of life like there will be a people that will not taste physical death have you guys heard that has anybody ever heard that in here like it’s weird isn’t it strange and there will be people that die in this room there will be people that die but there will be people that will be alive and remain when Jesus shows up awesome it would be great if you were part of that I actually believe we’re actually kind of in that time that generation I actually believe you young

01:55:15 people I’m really pouring on you today sorry about this I’m weird okay but yes see they agree they know but the reality it is that I actually believe you are part of that generation call me stupid everybody else does just okay just call me a fool for Jesus but all I can tell you is this life in Jesus is the best life you will ever have and for those of you who that message of Life have fallen on ears that now have gone deaf wake up there will be a people and even if I die I know there will be a

01:56:06 people and so you know the enem is try to eradicate that message out of the church and he tries to eradicate and uses good people with the fear of judgment with the fear of that and all sorts of we’re going to go into some of this let me get back to the word or else I’ll start preaching and we’ll never get through my 60 lines of notes I’m on number nine and another book was open which was the book of life and the dead were judged by what was written in the books according to listen what they had

01:56:44 done and the Sea gave up the Dead who were in it death and Hades gave up the Dead who were in in them and they were judged each one of them according to what they had done who put that in there then the then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire if you want some you know Lakeside property that’s not a good Lake to have a Lakeside you know what I’m saying I mean how bad is the Lake of Fire if death and hell go in there anyway this is the second death the Lake of Fire And if anyone’s name was not

01:57:25 found in the book of life he was thrown into the Lake of Fire who would like me to put your name in The Book of Life yeah yeah and there are people who will hear this message and go I don’t want to be in that book I’m just not interested I was one of those people okay back to the notes 2 Corinthians 5:21 in the ESB for our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin so that in him I said in him repeat it in him in him okay we maybe say I there okay change the word a little I might become the righteousness of God who can

01:58:23 say that oh this is a scaredy Church who’s going to say it with me that in him I will become the righteousness of God oh yeah you need to practice that a little more a lot more there’s a real good reason for it we’ll go over that later Galatians 3:13 the ESV says Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us for it is written cursed is every everyone everyone who hangs on a tree so we’ve been talking about the Book of Revelation lately overcoming church today unfortunately you got here to hear

01:59:14 about judgment and reward sorry you should have picked a better day but if you missed this you could miss out on a lot of things so maybe you’re kind of Lucky so the Book of Revelation the revelation of Jesus Christ I want to say this has more to do with worship than anything else what what does this got to do with this what you worship you will serve serve what you’ll work for what you worship you will become what what you worship will inform your character and your life what you worship will become the

02:00:11 center of your life the overcoming church has as the object of their worship god did you hear hear that we’ve been doing months of the overcoming church I’m telling you the only way you could become the overcoming church is to have as the center of your worship Him does that make sense to everybody here okay now that I’ve explained to you what worship is and what it does to you they may have not always been true I want you to hear this someone needs to hear this today they may have not always been true to him but they ultimately

02:00:54 recognize what they are worshiping and repent and turn to him again oh man I had to hear that somebody had to hear that when I wrote that I’m look I’m giving you a key out of your jail I said you may have not always been faithful you may have not always done everything perfect perfect welcome to the club you’re in a church it’s called The Church of Jesus Christ and everybody in it is imperfect and everybody in it at any moment I got good news for you today Halo especially you I got really great

02:01:45 news for you I love her at any moment you can come go to Jesus and repent come on think about that think about this God Have I Told You Jesus loves you yeah and think about this you’ve screwed it up so bad it’s been one mess up after another and before the Judgment seat comes you can go to him I got good news for you come on I got that’s good news Joe right Joe and I you know we’ve got a lot to repent from that that little sentence made me so happy I was like thank you God because you know what the enemy your

02:02:38 soul wants you to be in a place where you think there’s no hope for you that you’re stuck in your sin matter of fact if you don’t know Jesus he wants you to think you’re stuck there and if you do know Jesus but you’ve screwed up along the way which everybody does I think there’s a scripture says all have sinned and come short yes all means all there too so that means I’m looking at all of us who have screwed it up somewhere along the line sometimes Maybe by accident some most of the time intentionally because of Pride but God

02:03:15 has given us the opportunity to come to him in Repentance I want you to hear that word oh man if you hear that word you actually don’t have to worry about the Judgment just saying Revelation 13 verse3 I love this you know when we started reading in the Revelation because we’ve been studying through Revelation right been going through the first few chapters I’m going to do a quick uh overs kind of a uh high level uh cover of what we’ve covered some but this is an interesting scripture this is in the ESV it says blessed the is the

02:03:57 one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy have you ever heard that like reads aloud and now maybe you shouldn’t be on the street in Sonora you know reading condemn well maybe someday you may have to you never know George might be part of your repentance thing um but who reads aloud the the words of the this prophecy and blessed are those who hear and who keep what is written in it for the time is near I was talking to a prophet yesterday from a whole another town and she told me Bob the times we

02:04:42 are in it’s nearer than most people think and it so struck my soul I’m like dang I’m like you’re worse than me right nobody wants to hear a prophet that’s like repent the time is getting closer no no no everything will be okay everything will remain just the way it has been I think that’s scripture by the way some of you may have to look it up no it’s okay we can just settle here and be okay and I’m telling you and like I said it was confirmed out of the blue I’m like what are you saying and she’s like we’re coming into the

02:05:25 times now that it’s getting close to the end and the problem is the church may not recognize the time like I might not recognize you might not recogn if you’re going to be real about this you might not recognize that you’re closer to the Judgment time than ever before I told you you’d be happy with this message huh yeah did I tell you Jesus loves you did I tell you that repentance brings the like a healing and a you know forgiveness that okay so we keep going so we learned about these five churches um five seven seven church so

02:06:10 um Ephesus had this enduring patience yes and bearing up but they abandoned their first love like church Jesus is speaking these words right before he’s talking about the Judgment he’s saying there are churches now he’s speaking about a specific Church in a specific area but he’s also speaking to the Church of God today or this word is dead it had one meaning one time and nothing else okay but the reality is he’s saying to us every one of us that you had patience you were enduring at times and you bear up things but you

02:06:56 abandon your first love and then he doesn’t leave you there he says repent see this is the deal today when you’re stuck preaching about judgment is that you I want you to hear there’s always repentance he’s talking to his churches he’s executing you know his judgment on them if you will or his revelation of them if you will but he’s giving them opport o unities all the time and repentance sounds like a dirty word repentance does it mean I have to come in like cry at the altar or what is no it means you got to change your mind

02:07:34 and then you have to change your actions then there was this smear in our church sounds like a drink to me but that’s a whole another thing do do not fear suffering and the V’s persecution he tells them be faithful to the end and receive a crown of life so many Christians are all I don’t want to persecution there is so much persecution that’s going to come upon the Christian church I prophesy this it’s going to spin our heads we don’t know what it’s like here Pastor Pat has seen some of this probably and we’ve seen some of

02:08:15 this in India and Africa it’s on its way baby and all the government and all your money and all your education and all that stuff ain’t going to keep you from it there’s going to be a persecution now this is a happy message how happy is that but there’s a crown of life waiting for you I’ve been I’ve been uh listening to this audible book on uh it’s from the uh it’s from the uh Martyrs that we’ve had over the years and as the voice of Martyrs put puts it out it’s wonderful I’m probably only about halfway through but

02:09:00 you know there were people that went through all sorts of hell and refus to deny Jesus now see us in our nice comy in our nice comfortable culture we can refuse Jesus easy we can do kind of like what Pastor Jonathan and uh and uh and Brian were prophesying about earlier we can just not be forward about our faith you know that opportunity I think Pro Brian Pro opportunity comes and I don’t know maybe I just don’t want to speak Jesus here because I’m afraid of the persecution it’s going to take on my

02:09:44 life those people are going to think I’m weird but the reality is and and like said that’s such a lightweight persecution compared to what’s actually going to happen there have been more Martyrs in this Century than all the other centuries put together how the heck did that happen we know personally pastors that have lost people that have been murdered you understand that’s real that’s cool persecution but I’m speaking to you by the spirit of God be strong in the Lord in the power of His might don’t be

02:10:19 afraid of like what people will think of you or do to you stand up for the Lord yes they’re going to think you’re a freak welcome to the freak Show you’re in a world that’s filled with a freak Show okay wow okay pergam he says hold fast to my name do you know the name of the Lord speaks of his character did you hear that and he says but some hold the teachings that are stumbling blocks to my people repent or deal with God’s sword is what he’s telling us about that church the word of his mouth can heal or cut or

02:11:17 kill and then finally in that little book in that little message to or he says that there’s hidden Mana the bread of life listen and the new name a character a remember a name again a character written in stone he’s giving you a new name written in stone that means that the character that God’s placing on you will be something that’s engraved in stone it’s not something that’s going to flip-flop back and forth oh wow wouldn’t that be good for for your Christianity not having a character that flops around too

02:11:58 much come on well oh wait we’re church people we don’t have that problem we never lie we never cheat we never do any of that stuff even White Lies we never do that right God judgment uhoh Sardis that church he’s writing to has a reputation for being alive a party Spirit George it’s on you now sorry I don’t know he just I I felt see he released it over I’m Sorry by the way I love George George is a man of God yeah I’m really proud of George actually in so many ways he’s a good man sometimes he sins but he’s a good man he knows how

02:12:58 to repent right let’s be real here right you know I don’t want to just puff you up and just you know but he is a good guy he’s he’s he’s true to his word most of the time and and then when he isn’t he repents I’ve seen him repent it’s really awesome sometimes he’s been a very uh he’s been an inspiration to me to repent just saying so you have a reputation for being alive a party Spirit that’s what he’s talking about there but you are dead there are a lot of churches in the midst of a big party in their church but

02:13:34 they are dead according to Revelation says wake up and strengthen what remains and what is about to die your works are not complete we talked about Works before we’re going to talk about works some more there there are some who keep themselves and are worthy before the Lord and their names are in guess what book they’re in the Book of Life and Jesus himself confesses their names before the father that’s pretty decent Philadelphia it’s a good town baseball team whatever God shows this is another one

02:14:21 of the churches in Revelation he talks and God provides an open door and even in your weakness you keep his word and refuse to deny his name God will make it known that he loves you did I mention that God loves you and that he will keep you from the trial that will come upon the Earth your crown is secure and no one will take it you will be a pillar in God’s Temple forever God’s name and his new name is written upon you man you want to be in that church man The Love Church Leo is the last Church the Lord

02:15:02 talks about in the first few chapters of Revelation he says there are lukewarm they have a lukewarm life turns into God puke their lukewarm life makes God that’s what it actually says I told you this was a weird church right you guys there okay not everybody is as strange as me okay there’s going to be normal people up here later so come back next week you’ll find some normal people okay because and it says you turn into God’s PE because you are poor and blind and naked and you think the opposite of

02:15:45 yourself you think you got it all together and meanwhile you’re as messed up as it gets he’s talking to this church maybe our church sometimes maybe me by the precious things of God he says things that are refined by the fire of God himself by clothing that is pure to clothe yourselves as priest did I mention you’re a priest of the most high God as priest of the most high God so that your shame does not overcome you any longer you know that there are people in churches that are in shame do you know how much the enemy

02:16:25 uses shame on people’s lives it’s the saddest thing but if he’s using shame on your life you need to be delivered of that thing that’s all I can say to that see us later we’ll pray for your deliverance you will get delivered from that kind of thing because that’s no place for a child of God to live so God is knocking but only you can answer your door you must hear his voice to answer the door I just gave you a key there if you answer you sit with Jesus in his throne reward we’re going to talk about

02:17:10 reward a little huh the worst thing you can do when you’re trying to understand rewards is to put them in human understanding because humans don’t have a really great understanding of what God’s rewards are the next thing that is a problem is when you try to compare rewards and who should receive them that’s called judgment in the church yes and who should receive them and who’s worthy of them this the Bible says is not wisdom because you will compare yourself the best of your yourself to the worst

02:17:52 of somebody else or you’ll compare the worst of yourself to the best of somebody else we don’t get to choose we don’t get to decide on other people’s rewards and if they’re saved and they’re not saved so much of Christianity is so tied up into that mess really God is Judge the things that we get to judge are things here in the church things that we have stewardship over we don’t get to choose and judge over somebody else’s life nobody really knows exactly what the rewards are or looks like because

02:18:37 they’re Eternal not temporal like everything else we relate to here on earth Isaiah 40 what a what a what a wonderful scripture it relates to uh Revelation 12 Isaiah 40:10 says his reward is with him Jesus God Revelation 12:1 says my reward is with me I have some good news for you he is your reward if you’re wondering well will I get a nice ground you know gold crown maybe maybe maybe one of them electric cars or a house oh wait I love the Mansion thing I love that part I’m going to have my Mansion I’m going to be on the gold

02:19:29 streets walking right up to my Mansion he is our reward I’m going to tell you when you’re found with him it won’t matter if you’re in a mansion or a Hut because you’ll be with the go God in heaven the one who so loves you Rewards are a pay listen to this now here’s the hard part about judgment here’s or the good thing rewards are a pay for service they are pay they are like wages did you hear this do you know that you work for somebody rewards are a pay you actually earn rewards go look it up go study it you

02:20:17 cannot earn your salvation did you hear that part I man I hope you heard that word I said you cannot earn your salvation it’s all Grace it’s all Grace okay there are also losses to consider there’s rewards and losses there are all and uh by the way a loss here should be understood in the context of you could have had something in other words I promised you you something if you worked for this I promised you something yes this is not salvation but if you worked for this I promise you this reward but You’ stopped

02:21:02 working for it so you didn’t get it you didn’t earn it I’m not talking about salvation it looks a little blank here now are you okay with this this is actually part of Rewards and judgment okay so Matthew 25 14 to30 talks about the talent story you know the three guys were given talents not not that they can play music like our guys can here but and ladies can but they were given stuff they were given money they were given gold probably and they were given these talents and so this story is is more

02:21:49 about being taken away more about what’s been taken away more than what could have and is more about what could have been listen to this the guy who was an Unfaithful servant lost his little gold bag huh gave to the other guy yes but what he really missed out on is the Lord said to the other guys what you’re a good Church of Bible scholars What did the what did the Lord say to the other two well done and you’re going to have to go read it now you have to go read the whole story enter in yes enter yeah joy of the Lord in his

02:22:35 presence there’s fullness of joy he’s saying enter into me it’s more okay it’s more about what that poor guy didn’t get okay what he that he could have gotten more than what was taken away and Scholars and theologians are all going to get all all wound up in what was taken from him but actually he was given an opportunity like all the rest to earn a place yes a special place so although make no mistake there is a taking away if you’re taking scripture notes I’ve got a lot of scripture to I’m not going to read them Matthew 13:12

02:23:23 Mark 4:25 Luke 8:18 Luke 9:26 this is a big study those are what are take there is taking away there’s a taking away that the major contrast about the three servants Was Fear versus stewardship you hear what I’m saying you see the servant with the one Talent is identified that is a wicked and lazy that’s an interesting term lazy and he even declares this to the master he says I was afraid of you okay are you with me this so it’s fear versus stewardship and it says this was not the fear of the Lord but an

02:24:12 excuse I said excuse to do nothing with everything he had received and was in charge of St stewardship you have stewardship in your life I’m here to declare to you that be in the Judgment if you’re saved that you’re going to come before the Lord and he’s going to say what did you do with what I gave you how greatest Steward were you that’s a hard saying but it’s true it’s in the Bible oh everybody’s sad now did I tell you Jesus loves you and you can repent like okay so the enemy of your soul wants you to look about look back to all

02:24:57 the lost time and mistakes you made up till now which there’s probably more than one and God’s like saying don’t look back you know that looking back only brings condemnation if you don’t take something from what you look look back to as wisdom and propels you into your future do you know that God’s always saying look forward look forward to my judgment and my reward words and if you want to look forward the right way you’re going to repent and go I’m I’m with you god from today this is a repentance message for you do you

02:25:32 know that today starting right now you can start right in this moment you don’t have to jump up and run to the Altar and cry and all you just need to in your soul go okay God I’ve messed it up I’ve screwed it up in the past now I’m turning to you and I’m actually going to do the works not for your salvation because you got salvation by grace but I’m going to do the works that are pleasing to you because you’re looking at the end to judge what I earned before you what I earned that’s a hard what I

02:26:07 did with what you gave me to do was I a great Steward of yours did I take look did I take care of the precious things you gave me you gave me the ability to share your life with other people did I do it you gave me the ability to help someone when they’re hurting did I do it those are real works those aren’t just nice Christian terms okay we’re getting close to the end here H okay Wicked here is really a person person that puts their party spirit in front of their stewardship responsibilities you can go to the bank

02:26:57 with that statement you can read that one and memorize that that’s a the that’s first Bob he tries to yeah yeah it’s not the book of the Bible anyway he tries to say that it was because the master was a hard man he was a tough guy right but think but think about it the master listen to this somebody got the phone okay got it so the master here was entrusting his wealth into these guys hands he was entrusting the precious things yes he’s entrusting to you my young brother prophetic anointing on your life what are you going to do with

02:27:45 it use it he’s entrusting to you my young sister the ability to rescue people out of the pit of Hell what are you going to do with it see the deal is that’s what he’s interested and he’s not interested in a bunch of other stuff he’s interested in what did you do with the precious things I gave you and like I said you can look back and go oh I screwed up last week yesterday today 10 minutes ago when I thought bad things about Bob repent repent it’s okay John’s going to have to repent because I’m going longer

02:28:23 than I should have um okay but I will finish this it’s right near the end here he tries to say to the master right he was this tough guy and he’s he’s entrusting this in effect he was teaching them how to have responsibility and more important Authority do you understand that God’s given you Authority when he was handing that money over over that that Master owned that that represented the authority the anointing of the Living God that’s upon you because you’re filled with the holy spirit because you have power and

02:29:04 authority yeah to cast out Devils yes to speak to dead come to life do you have authority to keep your life in line with his life that’s your Authority it’s the power it’s the anointing of God it’s the glory of God that’s on our lives and that’s what he entrusted into those guys and he’s talking to us from wa you know from 2,000 years ago saying look you have that now and you don’t really have to worry too much about the judgment and all that stuff and you just stop now and turn I’m going to say it again someone

02:29:42 needs to hear it don’t look back don’t look back at your failures there’s nothing you can do about those past things it’s water under the bridge but there’s everything you can do about now so it says that he was lazy here is someone who’s always late for something or someone who hesitates and delays when they should have acted listen this is why we have such a great Apostolic team and that see it in action you got a report of it today it’s the first I heard about it here you had a prop a prophetic this is why Apostles and

02:30:27 Prophets work together like from the beginning it was like this because a a a prophet will prod somebody like called an apostle and the Apostle will actually act on it you know that somebody’s leg was healed because a prophet pressed on on an apostle and an apostle was obedient the the Apostle had the Father’s Heart that was moved in compassion and love not just to see blue flames come out of his hands I’ve worked with the man Pastor Pat I’ve seen it it’s not just for this Glory garbage thing it’s because of real real love for

02:31:06 God’s people no matter where they’re at like he’s like one of those people that will pull people out like Brands out of the fire and that’s not just him that’s us that’s right that’s right that’s us everyone so there we see there are real consequences for what we do there’s promise and there’s reward John 5:1 19-2 and this is the last scripture I’ll leave you with says so Jesus said to them truly truly I say to you the son can do nothing of his own accord but only what the what he sees the father

02:31:48 doing for whatever the father father does the son does likewise The Father loves the son and shows him all that he himself is doing and Greater Works than these he will show him he showed him those works and what did Jesus say to us Greater Works that we will do yes and Greater Works than these will I show him so that you may Marvel for as the father raises the dead and gives them life so also the son gives life to whom he will for the father judges no one you know somebody have some people here have

02:32:29 daddy issues with Father God they got father God in the Old Testament he’s big bad father God you know he’s God it says the father judges no one but has given all judgment to the son so maybe your issues with Jesus it’s interesting that the son listen to this we know this from the scripture he’s our Advocate he’s our lawyer and someday this lawyer is going to also become the judge now some of you are like oh I haven’t repented yet oh crud don’t worry about it you will you must you should the deal is I want you

02:33:16 to remember this that that lawyer of yours Jes Jesus who is going to become your judge also went to his death for you he so loves you that he died imagine having a judge that so loves you he’s going to be a righteous judge he’s going to be he’s going to be okay with you if you’re okay with him so it goes on verse 23 that all may honor the son just as they honor the father whosoever does not honor the son does not honor the father who sent him truly truly I say whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal

02:34:04 life he does not come into judgment okay that judgment they’re talking about there is condemnation judgment in other words you’re not going to be sentenced to death yes he’s going to judge what you did what you did with what you were given he’s going to judge your works but because of your relationship to Jesus Christ I’m talking to somebody here who doesn’t like this you’re not going to lose your salvation you’re not going to be condemned to hell I have really good friends in the ministry that don’t like that saying

02:34:52 but has he has P but has passed from Death To Life That’s The Promise by the way truly truly I say to you an on the an hour is coming and now is here when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live and I’m telling you we have to go find our kids yes the hour is coming when you must go get your kids I’m done here all I’m saying is you can pass from Death to life it’s your choice today it’s your choice so if you don’t know Jesus here this is a great day to know him come on

02:35:34 up right now we’ll lead you to [Applause] Jesus all right wow so much in my spirit thank you Pastor Bob wow okay um is Jacqueline here come on up we have a little announcement real quick also there’s family service next week that’s another announcement I was supposed to do so this is my husband Wes for those of you that don’t know him and I’m Jacqueline so if we have any visitors here today that have haven’t come with someone who’s ready and prepared to feed them we are starting a Ministry to um feed the visitors we

02:36:30 don’t want you to just leave here right now and go home and not get to know anybody so we have food for you today there’s a couple round taes that have been pushed together in the fellowship hall just come on over and find us and we also invited someone else to sit with us so surprise you’re joining us in this today I didn’t tell you never know what’s going to happen if you want to help support that Ministry too talk with Wes and Jacqueline because they need all the help they can get you know if there’s

02:36:59 anything we know about them I’m just kidding yeah thanks guys um well I want to dismiss us but I just want to Proclaim one thing I know that was um that was a hard word maybe for some people maybe that was a hard word maybe for the one speaking it it was the hardest word um please come to a pastor if you have questions about that we would love to speak with you more um don’t leave without your questions answered let us pray with you and let me Proclaim to you at the end the gospel of peace it says

02:37:32 being justified being made right with God by faith we have peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ and we obtain access by faith into grace in which we stand and we rejoice and hope of the glory of God there is a gospel of peace that Jesus has bought with his blood Pastor Bob told you that Jesus loves you you heard that but how do we know love in that he laid down his life for us and on the day of judgment it’s going to be fully revealed who we are and it’s going to be fully revealed who he

02:38:04 is and every knee will bow on Earth and in heaven and under the Earth and every tongue will confess Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the father so there is hope there is God has such peace he has such wholeness for you he doesn’t want to just leave you in that state of of fear okay Pastor Bob spoke to you about a motivation of Love fear can wake you up maybe someone’s woken up a little bit is this is this really where I’m headed is this really is it really serious what I do with my life fear can

02:38:35 wake you up but only love can motivate you and Only Love Can keep you and you know you’re created to love God with all your heart soul mind and strength like Jenny prophesied but did you know you’re also created to be loved by God with all his heart and all his soul and all his strength primary your primary job is to be loved by infinite love and when you see that when you wake up and you say it’s not just about me escaping hell it’s about me experiencing the infinite overflowing Everlasting Love of God then you say I want to walk

02:39:12 with him and I I trust him okay so that let God’s judgment lead you to God’s salvation or else you missed the whole point don’t just get scared don’t just say I got to work harder that’s religion I hate religion I hate it what you heard was the Gospel turned to the love of Jesus Christ you had somebody that loved you so much that he would tell you the truth but not to crush you to wake you up to Eternal things to wake you up to a god that loves you more than his own life did you hear what I said all right so

02:39:50 that’s why we have Fellowship because he cared about us that much he said I don’t just want to save you I want to hang out with you I want you as part of my family I want to eat food and drink wine maybe grape juice for the Baptist say I want to eat drink food I want to drink wine and have food and just have life and fun with you that’s he’s the god of fun he’s the creator of fun I got to I got to pump us back up a little bit here but it’s very serious what a tension we live in right wow it’s strange okay it’s

02:40:15 almost like truth okay um so God’s inviting us to the ultimate party we get to have a party together in the fellowship hall don’t minimize it for these strange parties that Pastor Bob was talking about because there’s the best party all right am I I’m I’m just like I’m way off the book right here I’m probably going to get get fired by Pastor Pat or Pastor John here um but I just want to tell you I hate religion that’s not what you heard you heard God’s love you heard God’s truth all right so let’s go to fellowship and

02:40:45 let’s eat some stuff for

Stewardship and Accountability

One of the key themes in the sermon was the idea that every believer will stand before God to give an account of how they managed what He gave them. This isn’t about earning salvation—that comes by grace alone—but rather about being faithful stewards of the gifts, talents, and responsibilities God has placed in our hands. Pastor Bob posed a sobering question: What did you do with what I gave you?

We often think of stewardship in financial terms, but it extends far beyond money. It includes our time, our spiritual gifts, and the opportunities we have to share God’s love with others. Have we used our abilities to bless others? Have we extended a helping hand when someone was in need? These are the real works that demonstrate a heart devoted to God.

Looking Forward, Not Backward

The enemy seeks to burden us with regret over past mistakes, but God calls us to move forward. Condemnation keeps us stuck in the past, but repentance propels us toward a future aligned with God’s purpose. As Pastor Bob emphasized, “Today, starting right now, you can start fresh.” True repentance isn’t just about feeling sorry for our past—it’s about turning towards God and actively walking in obedience.

Jesus constantly pointed His followers forward. His focus was always on the kingdom of God and the reward that awaits the faithful. Rather than dwelling on past failures, we should ask ourselves: How can I honor God today with what He has given me?

The Power and Authority Given to Us

A profound part of the sermon was the recognition that God has entrusted His people with authority. Just as the master in the parable entrusted his wealth to his servants, God entrusts us with spiritual authority and the power of the Holy Spirit. This means we have the ability to bring healing, to speak life, and to walk in victory over the enemy.

However, this authority is not for our own gain—it is for the sake of God’s kingdom. True power comes with responsibility. Are we using the gifts of God to glorify Him, or are we burying them in fear and complacency? Pastor Bob challenged us to take action, reminding us that hesitation and delay can cause us to miss opportunities to be part of God’s work.

The Role of Apostolic and Prophetic Ministry

Pastor Bob also highlighted the dynamic relationship between apostles and prophets in the church. Prophets stir up vision and direction, while apostles act on it. This partnership demonstrates how the body of Christ should function—each person operating in their God-given role for the greater purpose of advancing the kingdom.

This reminds us that no believer is called to walk alone. We need the wisdom and encouragement of fellow believers to step fully into our calling. Being part of a faith community allows us to sharpen one another and stay accountable in our walk with Christ.

Jesus: Advocate and Judge

One of the most impactful statements from the sermon was the reminder that Jesus, our Advocate, will one day be our Judge. This might sound daunting, but Pastor Bob pointed out a crucial truth: Jesus loves us so much that He died for us. Imagine a judge who loves the defendant enough to take their punishment upon Himself—this is exactly what Jesus did.

For those who belong to Him, judgment is not about condemnation but about reward. Pastor Bob assured the congregation that those in Christ will not lose their salvation. Rather, our lives will be evaluated based on what we did with what we were given. Knowing this should not create fear but should inspire us to live with purpose and devotion.

The Invitation to Live in Love, Not Fear

The sermon concluded with an invitation to move beyond fear and into the fullness of God’s love. While fear might wake us up to the seriousness of our choices, only love can sustain our walk with Christ.

We are not only called to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, but also to receive His love. Recognizing that we are deeply loved by God is the foundation of our faith. When we embrace His love, serving Him becomes a joy rather than a burden.

A Call to Action

The message ended with a simple but profound truth: It’s your choice today. Every person must decide whether they will live in alignment with God’s will or continue on their own path. For those who do not yet know Jesus, the invitation remains open—come to Him, receive His grace, and step into the life He has prepared for you.

For believers, the challenge is clear: do not waste what God has entrusted to you. Use your gifts, step into your calling, and live with an eternal perspective. As we walk forward in faith, let us remember that our ultimate purpose is not just to escape judgment but to experience and share the limitless love of God.

Discussion Guide: Stewardship and God’s Judgment


  • What is something valuable that someone has entrusted to you? How did you handle that responsibility?

Sermon Summary:
Pastor Bob Wilk’s sermon focused on the concept of stewardship and God’s judgment. He emphasized that as believers, we will stand before God and be accountable for how we managed what He entrusted to us—our time, gifts, and opportunities. However, rather than being burdened by past mistakes, we are called to repent, move forward, and embrace our role in advancing God’s kingdom. The sermon highlighted the importance of taking responsibility, walking in our God-given authority, and acting out of love rather than fear. Pastor Bob reminded us that Jesus, who will be our judge, is also our advocate and has already laid down His life for us. Ultimately, God calls us to live in His love and share His truth boldly.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Pastor Bob mentioned that looking back can lead to condemnation unless we learn from it. How can we balance reflecting on the past with moving forward in faith?
  2. What does being a good steward of God’s gifts mean to you? How can you better steward what God has given you?
  3. The sermon emphasized repentance as a daily decision. How can we cultivate a lifestyle of repentance and growth in our walk with God?
  4. How does knowing that Jesus is both our advocate and our judge impact your view of God’s judgment?
  5. Pastor Bob spoke about using our God-given authority to make a difference. In what ways can you step into that authority in your daily life?
  6. Fear can wake us up, but love is what motivates and sustains us. How have you experienced God’s love driving your faith and actions?
  7. The sermon ended with a call to fellowship and experiencing the joy of God’s presence. How can we create a culture of joy and connection in our church community?


  • Identify one specific way you can be a better steward of your time, talents, or relationships this week.
  • Spend time in prayer, asking God to help you let go of past mistakes and walk forward in faith.
  • Seek opportunities to encourage or support someone in your church or community.

Closing Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for entrusting us with the gifts, resources, and opportunities to serve You. Help us to be faithful stewards and to use what You have given us for Your glory. May we walk in the authority You have given us, not out of fear but out of love. Remind us daily that our past does not define us, and that through repentance, we can step into the fullness of Your purpose. Strengthen our hearts to follow You wholeheartedly. In Jesus’ name, Amen.